River Green - Plan for Distribution of Assets

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On May 22, 2018, the District Court conditionally approved the Receiver’s Plan for Distribution of the Assets of River Green Capital, LLC ("River Green").  Pursuant to the Scheduling Order which can be found here, all investors and claimants who have a claim against River Green must file a proof of claim, with supporting documentation, by June 29, 2018.  A link to the proof of claim form can be found here.

Those who wish to file an objection to the Plan for Distribution must do so by June 29, 2018.  Objections, with a copy to the Receiver, must be mailed to:

The Honorable William S. Duffey, Jr.

1721 Richard B. Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse

75 Ted Turner Drive, SW

Atlanta, GA 30303-3309

Attn: Benjamin Thurman, Courtroom Deputy Clerk

If you have any questions, please contact the Receiver at cncreceiver@taylorenglish.com